Tag Archives: Vaseline

Braving the Cold!

8 Jan

If you haven’t been lucky enough (hear my sarcasm?) to feel this cold spell that has taken over North America, then stop reading this post now! Here in Toronto we have felt record setting lows….I’m talking -40 with wind chill. Not what I signed up for!

The cold has some nasty effects on your mind and body. Your skin gets red and dry, your hair feels brittle, and not to mention you don’t want to ever leave your bed! But life goes on, and here are some tips to help you brave the cold:


1. Bundle up! If you are walking anywhere, pull your scarf up over your face and nose and wear a headband or hat to make sure you are covered as much as possible. This can prevent windburn.

2. Moisturizing is key! I use Clinique Super Rescue Antioxidant Night Moisturizer for Dry Skin at night time and find it really helps. Stay away from drying makeup during the day if you can help it. For my body I love anything from the Body Shop. Their Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream is great! You may want to try an exfoliant or use a loofa every once in awhile to get rid of dry skin as well.

3. Don’t forget about your lips! Chapped lips are the worst so pick up a lip scrub and lip chap. I use Bubble Gum Lip Scrub by Lush and Vaseline Lip Therapy in Cherry (found at most local drug stores).

4. Dry hands are common. My all-time absolute fave hand cream is (of course) from the Body Shop. It’s called Absinthe Purifying Hand Cream, and guess what? It’s half price right now! I also religiously use cuticle oil. You can find this for purchase at most nail salons, speciality beauty shop, or local drug store. Just use a little bit on your cuticles on your hands and feet each day.

5. If you’re like me your hair can get brittle and dry due to the cold and all the heat inside. A sign of this is static hair! Try using a hair mask once or twice a week overnight. This can be as simple as smoothing coconut oil into your hair at night and sleeping in a shower cap, or purchasing a speciality hair mask and letting it sit for 5-7 mins. Moroccanoil makes a great Restorative Hair Mask that seals in moisture. When possible, avoid the use of heat (blow dryers/straighteners/curling irons) that can further dry out your mane.


6. I recently purchased a humidifier and it is one of the best things I’ve ever done. Worth it’s weight in gold! I turn it on every night and reap the benefits of added humidity in the air. You don’t need a fancy-shmanzy one; just something that will add humidity back into your house.

Hope this helps! Stay warm out there people!